Thursday, May 3, 2012

I'm Not Perfect, Stop Saying I Am!

When I started writing years ago, one of the things I never thought I'd have a problem getting was an honest critique. Naive me thought everyone who read my writing would honestly tell me how they felt about it and give me good feedback so I could improve my work. Not true. I've learned that most people tell me what they think I want to hear. "I love it!" "It's scary in a good way!" "I can't wait to read more!"

Nice. But what I need to know is, how can I improve it?

I'm not Stephen King, and even if I was, even he has editors and people who won't blow smoke up his butt and tell him he's great when clearly what he wrote was just this side of "eh". Even the people in my writing group are such delicate personalities that they hate to have their feelings hurt and hate to hurt the feelings of others. So we sit there as they praise each other and I try to figure out how to tell each of them in the kindest way possible that their newest baby needs a little plastic surgery. Maybe I just need a new writing group, but finding one is easier said than done.

What it all comes down to is that I'd just like a few people online or in real life who will read my work and tell me how it can be improved. I want to grow. Are you one of those people?


  1. Honesty is always the best policy. If your writing sucks, it sucks. Okay, so revise, revise and edit; make it better. You know what good writing IS, everyone 'starts out' learning and with wisdom applied, and with work and dedication, most people do get better. You as a writer will know when you hit your stride. Read it aloud, if it sounds bad or stupid, it probably is.
    Writing groups are NOTORIOUS for being hypocrites. A mutual admiration society is not what you need, but some serious honesty. Don't panic. Everything worth doing takes time. I'll follow your posts and see what you're about. ~R

  2. I have the Kreativ Blogger award for you. I hope you post more soon. :)

  3. Shut up! You're perfect.
